Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness Week has just been 14th-20th May 2018. I am positing this late as I believe mental health awareness should be more than week, it should be an every day encounter. I believe mental health needs to have a lot more awareness especially around the more taboo mental health conditions such as Bipolar, OCD, Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, Psychosis and Schizophrenia. I see lots of awareness on Depression and Anxiety which is amazing but I just hope one day there is as much awareness on other mental health conditions.

This year mental health awareness week was focused on stress, most of us will experience some stress in our life at some point. I am going to just point out some key things that might be helpful when coping with stress.
  • Ring a friend
  • Ring the Samaritans UK (116 123)
  • Meet up with friends
  • Go for a walk
  • Take up a hobby
  • Listen to your favourite music
  • Have a relaxing bath
My main reason for this post is to just help others understand that if you feel that something isn't right then to seek support, this may be professionally by seeing a GP or a therapist etc. It may also be talking to a friend, ringing a helpline or seeking support from a website. I favourite websites to go to when I am feeling alone are Mind UKTime to Change and Sane. My other reason for this post is for others to also reach out to friends or people they feel may need support and the signs to look out for as I believe a lot of people are unaware of signs people might be showing;
  • Being withdrawn
  • Not coming to social interactions 
  • Not replying to messages
  • Acting out of character for them
  • Being snappy at times 
  • Quietness 
  • Sleeping a lot
There are many more signs but please don't be afraid to reach out and just ask if they are okay. It may be what they need.

Hannah x
