Mental Health Crisis

Mental Health Crisis

TW- Detachment/Suicidal thoughts (first paragraph)

I am currently in the middle of a mental health crisis. I don’t even know how to cope right now   This has been going on for a couple days now, I feel so lost. I’ve completely detached myself now, I’m in a complete dissociative state. I don’t even know how to cope I’m completely out of it. I want it all to end,  I want to disappear.

I have been going through a crisis for a while mainly due to stress of no money and no job. I am really in need of getting a job as soon as possible to feel stable. I was recently supposed to start my dream job and since they have seen my reference about having time off for mental health they have decided to take back my offer. This has really upset me and caused me a lot of stress due to needing money and mainly a routine and sleep pattern.

Unfortunately this all happened Friday afternoon, not leaving me anytime to get any more job interviews. This is why I ended up feeling extremely distressed and out of control all weekend, having no clue about what to do with myself. It was extremely difficult for me to relax all weekend.

Finally it was Monday, I finally felt a little more back in control as I had access to finding jobs and being able to ring up to book interviews. Which I have finally got an interview for one job which is actually my old job. I am looking forward to this as the only reason I left last time was because of the shift patterns.

I am finally looking up after over 48 hours in a crisis. I feel able to get on and find myself a job. Hopefully soon I will be earning money.

Hannah x


  1. I can identify with the job thing. I’m on the serious job hunt and it’s stressful and discouraging at times. You’re not alone. I love reading your posts and you’re very talented💗🙏🏻

    1. Hannah,

      I just want to tell not to give up; you have too much to offer to others. I have been where you are at now. I have been struggling with Bipolar I disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder since 1993. I use to have suicidal thoughts and wanted to kill myself in the past. But, I did a lot of research in psychopharmacology to find the right psychotropic medications to treat both mental disorders. After years of experimenting with different medications, I finally found the right combination of medications that keep me stable and help me focus and concentrate in my academic and professional work. I went from psychiatrist to psychiatrist to find the right one that has the right experience to help me get back on my feet. While my life is not perfect and I have a lot of improvements to make in my life, I think I am on the right path. Currently, I am finishing my Master of Science degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Also, I work in the mental health field part-time . It is possible to recover from serious mental illness; I seen it happen to clients I have worked with in the past. Your mental illness will improve over time, you just have to keep searching to find the right medications that will work for you. Many of these clients were not willing to give up until they found the right treatment that works for them. What works for one person, may not work for another person. Everyone’s body is so different. There is a genetic test that you can take to find out which psychotropic medications will be metabolized correctly in your body. I have taken the test himself and the results were surprising. If you need to talk to someone who has been in your shoes, I am the person you want to talk to. Please, send me an email message and I will get back to you with a day or two. Please, feel free to contact me. Below is my contact information should you need to talk to someone. Let me know how you are doing. Please, do not give up on yourself!!

      Take care,

      Vinny Yann

      P.S. I know a lot about psychotropic medications, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have about medications. Also, I use herbal supplements to control my illness as well. They seem to really boost my energy and motivation levels and it helps me focus on my work. I see Dr. Michelle Hessberger who is a naturopathic doctor (ND). She is available for phone consultations. Tell her I referred you to her to help with your mental illness. Her consultation is about $60 per half hour which I think is a reasonable price. She relly works a lot about the neurobiology of mental illness. Her herbal supplements have really given me a boost. I sleep less and feel great when I take them as prescribed. She is easy to talk to and is empathic and compassionate towards her clients. She is one of the best practitioners I have ever worked with to help me successfully manage my psychiatric disorders. She practices in Fairfield, CT. I can send you her contact information if you are interested in seeing her. Her supplements will help you as much as they have helped me. They really do work; although, it takes a couple of weeks for the supplement to get into your system. I highly recommend her if you want to see improve in our mental health.

      Good luck on your journey to recovery.

      Vinny Y.

    2. Thank you so much Vinny. Unfortunately I am in the U.K. so that won’t be any good to me using that doctor. However I am possibly interested to find out more about the right combination of medication. I’m currently not on anything as I found antidepressants alone don’t do anything for me. But thank you.

  2. Hannah, thank you for having the courage to tell your story. Please don't give up looking for a job. I live on a disability benefit, so know how tight money can get. Good Luck Hannah.

  3. Hi Hannah, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I had been unemployed as well and I know it may be tough. I hadn’t told anything to my friends back then as I felt ashamed of it. That was a huge mistake. When I finally I opened up myself I found out that many of my friends had been going through tough times as well. This is just life!!
    You’re very young, there’s really nothing you need to worry about.
    Stay positive and the job eventually will come. Keep us posted though!

    1. Thank you so much that means a lot. I really hope something comes a long soon!

  4. Hey, very nice information. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.

    how to get over depression


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