Dear Future Self / After Suicide Attempt

Dear Future Self,

You are loved, you are cared about, you are so important and unique. You deserve more than anything to be alive and living. You are such a special soul who deserves to see what her future holds for her. You never know what you’ll achieve in the future if you aren’t alive for it. Keep going through this hard time, pain doesn’t last forever. You will pull through. You will promise me. We’ve got to keep going because we deserve to be here. We deserve a happy future for ourself.  There’s so many people rooting you on to be that happy person. Keep going you can get through this one night or day. This too shall pass. You will make it through I promise you, you deserve nothing but the best for yourself. You are such a strong women one day you’ll look back at your struggles and smile at how bloody strong you really are. Keep going to see what future self brings you because you deserve to find out the answers to your future. The world is yours to take on. Do what makes you happy. Keep going through even the worst times of your life because this too shall pass and you will eventually feel better. I promise you. I have so much love for you because you deserve all the love in the world. You deserve to feel loved and you deserve to be at your best. So keep going. Don’t give in yet it’ll will all be worth the wait, I promise. Everything will fall into place.

Hannah x
